Monday, April 5, 2010


In your life Ive been reduced to an after-thought,
Sold the truth and never bought,
Choices from carnal things wrought,
Whilst you prayed, I my own selfish pleasures sought,
Now the enemy has me caught,
Unravelling all Ive ever been taught,
All your efforts turned to naught,
This tear my final resort.

Earl King


  1. I did not write the poem baptism because I had nothing else to write, this piece represents all that is wrong in my life. I am in a wonderful reltionship with a wonderful woman and yet I have failed to grow with her, I have failed to make her passions mine, I have failed to find synergies that exist between us,I have failed to act when action is all that was required, I failed to make a lasting impression, I have failed to fully explore the beauty before me, I have failed her. Now i sit all alone in my failures wondering what could come of this inaction, wondering what could come of this apathy. I know what I must do but I dont have the strength to do so. I just hope that I will be able to do enough to keep my heart aflame and yet by saying just that I know she deserves so much more!

    1. Two yrs later and you have got it right! You have won the have made her mine for all time, you have cast out the demons and expelled all hate.. I just hope ur heart is still aflame. Lulsb x
